Why Website Audit is Important for SEO?

Do you need help to get your website ranked high on search engines? Why do you need more traffic despite having great content and design? The problem may lie in the technical aspects of your website. That’s where website audit comes into play.

We will discuss conducting a regular website audit is important for SEO, and how it helps boost your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Let’s dive right in!

Website Audit image for blog post

  • Verify the website’s mobile friendliness.

Because more people use mobile devices than desktops, Google has stated that having a mobile-friendly website is important for SEO. Therefore, mobile-friendly is the most crucial factor to look for in your website audit.

Thanks to responsive design, your website can smoothly adapt to multiple devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Users may traverse your web pages without experiencing problems like zooming or horizontal scrolling.

To determine whether your website is mobile-friendly, utilize Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. It reveals areas that require improvement and gives you a sense of how well your site works on smaller screens.

  • Speed of the website.

When it comes to search engine optimization, website performance is quite important. Users must be able to access your website quickly enough to avoid leaving and visiting another one. Your search engine rankings may need to improve if your website loads slowly.

To test the speed of your website, utilize programs like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. These tools provide a general evaluation and insights into the factors contributing to your website’s poor loading times.

Ensuring visitors have a good experience when using your website and regularly optimizing its speed will increase traffic and engagement.

  • Find the indexing issue.

Indexing troubles are among the most prevalent challenges that website owners deal with. Your website’s pages will appear in search results once indexed. Consequently, you will lose out on possible traffic and income.

Use Google Search Console to check for indexing issues on your website. It’s a free tool that lets you view how many pages Google has indexed and which ones require assistance.

If you see any issues or warnings for particular URLs, it’s time to take action. Either you or an SEO professional can take care of the problem.

Crawl errors, duplicate content difficulties, broken links, no-index tags, and low-quality material are typical reasons websites need to be indexed.

To ensure no restrictions prevent crawlers from reaching crucial site parts, check your robots.txt file.

You can ensure that all your web pages are correctly indexed, increasing your online visibility, by swiftly and effectively addressing these problems with tools like Google Search Console.

  • Use Analytics to keep track of your organic traffic.

Conducting a website audit must include tracking your organic traffic. To evaluate the success of your SEO efforts, you must be aware of the volume of traffic from search engines. Using Analytics makes this work more straightforward.

You may monitor important metrics with analytics, including pageviews, bounce rates, and session length. By tracking this data over time, you can determine which pages are functioning well and which require improvement. This knowledge not only aids in page optimization but also aids in developing your overall content strategy.

Monitoring organic traffic using Analytics offers insightful information about the operation of your website and supports ongoing SEO efforts.

  • Use keywords in the website title, description, and the first 100 words of your content.

Using keywords in appropriate places on your website is one of the most crucial elements of on-page SEO. You can tell search engines what a page is about by including pertinent keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and the first 100 words of each page’s content.

The title tag is displayed as a headline on search engine results pages (SERPs) and at the top of web browser tabs. For the best SEO results, use your primary keyword here. However, ensuring it reads organically and encourages users to click through is also important.

On SERPs, meta descriptions are short summaries displayed beneath the headline. They should be carefully written using exciting language and, when necessary, incorporate secondary or long-tail keywords.

Use pertinent keywords in the first 100 words of any web page’s content. By doing this, you may inform readers and search engines about what to anticipate from a page without using cumbersome “keyword stuffing.”

Incorporating these strategies into your on-page SEO plan may raise your website’s overall authority while increasing visibility for your target audiences.

  • Use LSI keywords in your content.

Using LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords in your content is one of the fundamental techniques to increase the SEO of your website. Search engines use these terms or expressions associated with your primary keyword to determine the context and applicability of your content.

Search engines can better grasp the substance of your page by using LSI keywords in your content, which could result in higher ranks. If you’re writing an article about “dog food,” for instance, some pertinent LSI keywords might be “canine nutrition,” “pet health,” and “animal diet.”

By including pertinent LSI keywords in your content, you can increase its visibility on search engine result pages and website traffic.

This image is representing the examining of website audit during SEO

  • Find and fix the broken links.

Website auditing is necessary for locating and resolving broken links on your website. When a link points to a page that is either relocated or no longer exists, a 404 error is generated.

Broken links can hurt the user experience, interfering with navigation and irritating visitors. It also impacts SEO because worse ranks may ensue as search engines read them as a hint that the website needs to be better maintained.

Use tools like Google Search Console or any other to find the broken links on your website so you can fix them. If required, delete the connection after it has been added and replace it with the correct URL.

For a better user experience and enhanced SEO performance, discovering and resolving broken links should be on every website audit checklist.

  • Use one version of the website.

Multiple versions of your website may confuse users and search engines. It is why you must only use one version, the secure, standardized website, the https://www.example.com version.

To protect against potential hacking attempts and data breaches, HTTPS ensures that all data passed between the user’s browser and your website server is encrypted.

Sticking to www.example.com rather than example.com or other versions helps your web presence be more consistent.

Additionally, having numerous versions of your website might lead to duplicate content problems, which could hurt your SEO rankings. Search engines treat each variant independently, diluting the value of links.

Consolidating all traffic on a single safe domain not only helps you develop confidence with users who are more likely to interact with a single consistent brand identity online. But it also makes it easier for search engine crawlers to grasp the structure of your site.

  • Competitors Analysis.

You have access to various tools that can assist you with this task. For instance, Ubersuggest is a well-known service that gives you access to information about your competitors’ backlink profiles and lets you see the keywords they are ranking for. Another tool with comparable capabilities and comprehensive data on each competitor’s content strategy is Ahrefs.

Another great free tool for keeping track of online mentions of your rivals is Google Alerts. You may learn more about how they’re presenting themselves in the market by keeping up with what people say about them or where they appear in search results.

Using various tools to monitor your competitors’ analysis might give you helpful information and help your website perform better overall in terms of SEO.

Use a brief introduction, concise paragraphs, several subheadings, and visual content to make your content 10X better.

Any website’s success depends on producing top-notch content that stands out in the cluttered digital world of today. The key to improving your content 10X is to abide by a few straightforward rules.

By implementing these straightforward suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to producing great content that attracts readers while enhancing your overall SEO efforts!

Look out for keyword cannibalization.

Multiple pages on a website targeting the same keyword is a standard error that website owners need to fix. This is referred to as keyword cloning, and it can harm your SEO efforts.

Start by compiling a list of all the pages on your website that target the exact or related keywords to check for keyword cannibalization. After that, check which pages rank for those keywords using a tool like Google Search Console.

Take action to combine those pages after identifying any instances of keyword cannibalization. To do this, you may redirect some competing pages to a single page or combine the content from other competing pages into a single complete one.

Increase the readability and relevancy of your content in search engine results by fixing keyword cannibalization concerns on your website. By doing this, you can improve your rankings and increase natural traffic to your website.

  • Create backlinks with high domain authority.

Creating backlinks with high domain authority is essential to improve your website’s overall ranking. This brings us to the end of our discussion on the significance of website audits for SEO. Quality backlinks can significantly increase your domain authority, which can also help you rank higher than your rivals in search results.

When creating these links, ensure they originate from sites pertinent to your sector. To avoid harming rather than helping your site’s score, avoid buying links or obtaining them from spammy websites.

Backlink creation image for website SEO audit


In conclusion, performing routine website audits is essential to maintaining a well-optimized, user-friendly website that ranks highly in search engines. It assists in locating problem areas, resolving technological challenges, and performance-enhancing content optimization. You can conduct a website audit and improve your SEO efforts by following the recommendations provided in this post.